Weekly Roundup: Ending sports stigma, the impact of boarding schools and helping kids deal with anxiety


It’s really positive to see so many campaigns cropping up on social media that are designed to help end mental health stigma — especially those aimed at men. This week we take a look at one of our favourite examples, as well as explore boarding school syndrome and collect together some ideas for helping kids worry less.

A new campaign is urging rugby players to talk more about mental health issues

There are a number of professions that we often associate with a certain type of person. Professional sports is one of those professions, as it’s so often perceived to be reserved for the strong and the super resilient. But as we all know, it doesn’t matter who you are or what you do, mental health issues can affect anyone at any time. A new campaign with the hashtag #LiftTheWeight has been created to help end the mental health stigma amongst those working in professional rugby. Let’s hope even more sports and professions follow suit!

Boarding school syndrome is real: Here’s what you need to know about it

Although it’s not officially a medical category, many of those working in therapy and counselling roles are realising there are specific sets of behaviours and emotional states that those who grew up in a boarding school environment experience throughout their lives. Not only are these findings important for parents with children attending boarding school right now to understand, they’re also valuable for teenagers and adults who are experiencing mental health challenges and want to better get to grips with where they might come from.

Here are eight ways to help children deal with worries and anxious thoughts

There are so many resources available about how to help adults deal with anxiety and over-thinking. But what about children? Although there are plenty of techniques for adults that can translate well to little ones, like mindfulness practice and walking around nature, it’s important to remember children are different and appealing to their senses and imagination more will have the best results. This article suggests creating worry lists, breathing exercises and buying worry dolls are all great places to start.

TV celebrity Amanda Holden opens up about her experiences with therapy

This week, Amanda Holden has opened up about her time in therapy over the past few years after she gave birth to her stillborn son and then had a traumatic pregnancy experience years later. Many people believe that therapy is only reserved for those with ongoing, serious mental health problems. But in actual fact it can help all kinds of people, especially those who have been through a challenging event and can’t quite process it or deal with the emotions they experience when they think about it.

Each and every week we’ll be bringing you a fresh summary of the top stories concerned with mental health, any of the latest stats we can get our hands on and recently released research that provides us with insights into how we can better tackle the mental health issues that affect us all.

Keep checking back to our blog every week to find out what you’ve been missing. You can also follow UK Therapy Guide on Twitter for the last news: @UKTherapyGuide

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