How to find a therapist that is right for you?


To find a mental health therapist is quite a big task. 

There are so many options nowadays. Therapists specializing in different verticals use a variety of resources, they use various modes of offering therapy sessions, etc. 

Choosing a therapist that will be right for you is quite a difficult (and, confusing) task. 

6 Tips to Find a Mental Health Therapist that is Right for You 

Choosing a therapist is a very personal decision; you should be able to feel a sense of trust with the person. A therapist that may be right for your friend might not be the right choice for you. You need to put in some time and effort to find the person that works for you. 

Here are some tips to find a therapist that is right for you because remember not every therapist can help you reach your goals.

What kind of cases does the therapist usually take up?

Each therapist specializes in handling cases related to a particular subject matter. Some of them will be an expert in handling relationship issues while some might specialize in helping people with depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues. Try and find a therapist who has experience handling cases similar to your own. 

What kind of therapy will they offer?

There are a wide variety of therapy options available nowadays. Some therapists offer group sessions while some still prefer individual sessions. Some counsellors follow a more hands-on approach while some prefer a more traditional, sit-down approach. There have been many innovations in this space and therapists choose a vertical that best works for them and their patients. It is a good idea to get more information on this when choosing a therapist. 

Do they offer online sessions as well?

It might not always be convenient for you to show up for therapy. We often get busy in life and end up missing our appointments, hence, if your therapist can also offer online sessions or a combination of offline and online sessions then that could be a big advantage. Also, if you are required to visit their clinic then check the location, timings, and other details. It should be convenient enough for you to visit every week, fortnight, or similar. 

How expensive are the sessions?

Therapy can get expensive quite quickly. It is best to ask a therapist for their fees upfront. Also, it would be a good idea to get an estimate on how long they think you will need therapy. Nobody can give a perfect answer because each person is different, each case is different and there is no set scale that one can follow. However, it would be a nice idea to get a rough estimate so that you can budget accordingly. 

Check for referrals 

Choosing a therapist is a personal matter and it is not always guaranteed that a therapist who worked for your friend might work wonders for you as well; however, there is no harm in checking reviews and seeking referrals. Reviews (and, referrals) can at least let you know a few important points such as – 

  • Is the therapist a good, patient listener?
  • Do they give adequate time to patients?
  • How has their general conduct been?
  • Do patients feel they can offer a ‘safe space?’
  • Do patients feel the sessions are worth the money?

Getting more information about these simple points will help you make the right decision. 

Interview the therapist 

Treat the first session with the therapist as an interview round. Don’t hesitate to ask as many questions as you deem fit. You can ask about their qualifications, experience, opinion on a subject, etc. The idea is for you to get comfortable with them and see whether or not you can trust them. In the end, just trust your gut instinct and decide. 

Other important points to consider 

The tips mentioned above will help you find a therapist who is best suited to help you meet your goals. They will be able to understand your mental and emotional situation; and, guide you toward a better life. However, when finding a therapist, apart from the ‘right fit’ there are some other important, technical questions that you must answer as well, such as – 

  • Is the therapist licensed?

The therapist must be qualified and have a license to practice. Don’t hesitate to ask for these details or check for these details. As a patient, it is your right to make sure that a qualified, licensed medical practitioner is handling your case. 

  • Does your insurance cover therapy from this provider?

Therapy sessions are not cheap. Also, you will need to attend at least a couple of sessions for it to make any difference in your life. Hence, by the time you are done getting real value out of your therapy sessions, you will have spent a considerable amount of money. 

Hence, if you can find a therapist that is the right fit for you and is covered by your insurance then there is nothing better than that. 

  • How many sessions will your insurance cover?

Some insurance plans cover a limited number of therapy sessions each year. Some insurance plans also have a limit on the amount that they will cover for each session. Be sure to check all these technical points before you decide to consult a therapist.

Connect with a relationship counsellor 

Find a trusted, qualified therapist on the UK Therapy Guide. With UK Therapy Guide, you can get started on the journey to mental well-being within minutes. We have hundreds of qualified therapists from all over the nation waiting to help you on your path to recovery. 


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