Online therapy stories


For many years, therapy sessions were only possible in the therapist’s physical office. While this is still the preferred medium for most people, technology has also made possible online therapy sessions, which offer the same great mental health benefits, but without requiring you to be in the office in person. This form of therapy is just as effective and, over the years, our many successful online therapy stories showed us that talking to a counsellor over the Internet offers some key advantages:

  • It’s more accessible for people who live in remote areas or have physical limitations
  • It’s more affordable
  • It’s more convenient for people who don’t have time to drive to the therapist’s office 
  • It offers extra privacy for people who don’t want their families to know that they’re seeing a therapist 

Here are just a few of the online therapy stories that our satisfied clients have shared with us: 

After spending weeks looking up my symptoms on the web, I finally decided to talk to a therapist, and it changed my life. I didn’t know what to expect, so I went to only therapy sessions first. Everything went easier than expected, my therapist was incredibly warm, friendly, and compassionate. She was a great listener, she never once judged me, and helped me work through issues that had affected me my entire life. – Ethel Pratt 

When I moved with my family in the countryside, my mental health took a turn for the worse. I didn’t know how to manage the huge lifestyle change, I felt alone, and I could no longer find joy in the things I once used to love. Being so far away from the city, regular therapy sessions were out of reach for me, so after reading a bit more about online therapy, I booked my first online therapy session. I had been to therapy before, and the first thing that struck me was how similar the atmosphere was. My therapist was patient, kind, and understanding. I’m glad I met him and I’m grateful for the way he helped me look forward to the future instead of dreading it. – Sandra Pickett 

Like many other people, I was confined to my home during the pandemic. Since I live alone and don’t have any close friends and family, my depression got worse and I started to cope with it in unhealthy ways, including drinking. After reading an editorial about the impact of the pandemic on mental health, I realised I wasn’t alone and that maybe I should give online therapy a try. And I’m glad I did, because now I feel much better. My therapist helped me rediscover self care, be kinder to myself, and develop healthy coping mechanisms. I still have a lot to work on, but I’m getting better and I don’t feel as overwhelmed. – Dale Rowden 

If you’re going through a challenging time in your life, know that you’re not alone. Even if you can’t attend therapy sessions in person, online therapy can help you overcome this period from the comfort of your home.

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