Coping with a death in the family


The loss of a loved one is inevitable. Yet, it always takes us by surprise and brings a mixture of emotions. 

Despite the fact we are all aware that the loss of a loved one is a natural part of our lives, there’s no easy way to accept it and cope with grief. Whether it’s the death of a child or a parent, there’s simply no right answer on how you should get over it. In fact, although over time, sadness typically decreases in intensity, you’ll need support and time to achieve closer as well. 

There are five stages of grief, including denial, anger, bargaining, sadness, and eventually, acceptance. However, every family member dealing with loss feels every step differently. Plus, while for some grief can run its course in an uncomplicated manner, others will need additional support to achieve healing and acceptance.

Grief turns your world upside down 

Grieving brings a number of strong emotions that can turn your world upside down. It may change your beliefs, disrupt your routines, or throw your life into turmoil.

One day you may be experiencing grief emotions into a rather out-of-body feeling, the other you may feel denial and anger, and another, you may be feeling a weird sense of peace. 

The thing about mourning is that what is normal differs for each of us. So, despite what other will tell you that you should be feeling, allow yourself to cope with grief in your style and your own pace.


Understand that grief is different 

How we react to the loss of a family member is unique for each of us. How we experience this process depends on many aspects, such as our relationship with the deceased, our religious beliefs, our personality, and our previous experiences with death and loss. Our own style of grief, be it intuitive or instrumental is also a contributing element. 

After a death in the family, every member of your family will deal differently with their grief. So, while the loss of a member can draw families closer, it can also sometimes pull them apart because members don’t understand each other’s way of coping with loss. 

However, no one can fully prepare you for what is the right way to handle your grief. And, so goes for your other family members. So, it’s essential to be understanding with each other and understand that grief is a unique process for each of you.


Dealing with loss 

When others around you fail to understand what you are going through, a therapist can help listen and guide you throughout the entire grieving process. The more support you get when you are dealing with the loss of a family member, the easier it is to cope with it and find closure. 

A grief therapist can also help you understand what your other family members are going through better. And, by understanding them, you can make sure that the death of a family member brings you closer rather than set you apart.  

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