Can getting therapy for anxiety really help?


The goal of anxiety counselling is to cure the sensations and feelings of panic, fear, anxiousness, uneasiness static breathing, shivering and sweating which is also known as anxiety in common language with all of these feelings combined. Anxiety not only affects us on a mental level but, it also affects us physically. People who suffer from anxiety are usually in such a mental hurry that it causes them to worry, panic, sweat shiver etc. Almost every situation is a fight or flight for them and even the most normal situations look like a threat.

What is anxiety?

Anxiety is a feeling that consistently overwhelms you. It is more than being stressed about your exam, a job interview, a potential breakup etc. It prevents you from carrying out the most routine tasks without sweating, shivering or panicking. Stress is overwhelming which comes with a reason however, anxiety can also occur without any reason or root cause. It can occur even if your life is “perfect”, even if you were never bullied, and even if everything is working out just fine for you. Stress is triggered, anxiety, on the other hand, does not even need to be triggered at times.

Types of anxiety disorders

Commonly there are five different yet, similar types of anxiety disorders which are as follows:

  1. Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD): refers to that type of anxiety disorder in which the person does not have to be triggered by something big. In GAD, the person gets anxiety over normal and routinely tasks. For instance, while taking out the garbage, or asking for an extra ketchup or even asking the teacher a simple question.
  2. Panic Disorder: This type of anxiety disorder refers to impromptu panic attacks when you are not even triggered. It is hard to identify what caused you to panic because, usually the trigger does not seem like an issue to you.
  3. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD):  It consists of obsessive thoughts which are followed by compulsive actions or urges. A person suffering with OCD with continually feel anxious unless he or she complies with the compulsive urges of their brain and acts upon them.
  4. Phobias: A phobia is defined as an intense fear of something which causes you to behave in an erratic manner. It does not matter how dangerous or minor the thing is, your brain recognises it as a deathly threat.
  5. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD): Unlike any other anxiety disorder, PTSD has a certain traumatic incident attached to it which keeps triggering their anxiety.

How to treat anxiety?

The best way to treat anxiety is to go for anxiety counselling. Your counsellor will assess your symptoms and feelings and start your treatment depending on the diagnosis.

How will anxiety counselling help me?

Here are various ways as to how anxiety counselling will help you treat your anxiety:

  1. Your counsellor will help you realise your triggers and will teach you ways to deal with them.
  2. You will learn successful coping mechanisms that will calm you and your brain down.
  3. You will learn exercises for mindfulness which will make you more self-compassionate, appreciative, and less judgemental of yourself and others.
  4. You will gain a distinct clarity of situations and things around you which you never noticed before. It will help you see things from a better, more positive and calmer perspective.

If you can relate to any of this, then please contact us and we will put you in touch with a therapist who can help you.

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